A wholly-owned global company serving OEMs since 1987.

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Industries Served – Agriculture


Accucam is an established supplier of OEM components for the Off-Road Agricultural market. We believe knowledge is power, and when serving an industry as immense as this, a company should be well educated on the nature of the business. Today, we will review some of the key elements to understanding the Agricultural Market and how we apply that knowledge to our business model.

Advances in agricultural technology and equipment design are ever emerging

Smart farming and precision ag are becoming a new norm in the industry and improved equipment designs are released frequently. These advances increase productivity, gain efficiencies, improve monitoring of equipment maintenance requirements and better manage crops as a whole. Changes to technology and general equipment improvements require new product designs and experimental builds to study feasibility and make enhancements. Accucam takes pride in being able to work alongside our customers to provide our industry experience and technical knowledge to assist with design solutions for developing new components.


Market Conditions

Global demand and supply are affected by several key drivers in the agricultural markets. To name a few, demand could be affected by global income, population, and commodity prices and supply could be influenced by agricultural productivity and climate factors. These drivers in turn affect the economic output of production, yield, and crop prices, as well as impact global trade and land use. In conjunction with our customer forecasts, Accucam considers the market conditions to proactively assess and adjust for long range planning and forecasting.


Product line

Understanding the components and the end use is another very important element. Accucam provides components for the below types of agricultural equipment and implements:

    • Tractors & Loaders
    • Combines & Harvesters
    • Sprayers
    • Mowers
    • Balers
    • Air & Grain Drills
    • Headers (Cotton, Corn, etc.)
    • Planters/Seeders
    • Tillage

Appreciating the end use product is just as important as analyzing the structural and physical components of the parts. In some cases, when developing parts, Accucam utilizes site visits to review the end-use of the equipment and we will inspect or obtain mating components for fit up. Something as simple as recognizing how a seed will glide over a casted component can mean better functionality of the product. Accucam also attempts to gain a better understanding of the product by researching lifespans, annual usage, and consumption rates with the ultimate goal of being able to better serve our customers.

Gaining a full understanding of the industry, and the components we provide is paramount to understanding out customers’ needs. In turn, we are able to provide better designs, forecast more accurately, and deliver quality, casted and machined parts that meet fit, form and function of the end product.

Contact us today if you would like to know more about how Accucam can support your agricultural product supply. Your product success is our goal!

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